The Activist Heart | David Marquis Biography
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David Marquis Biography

David Marquis Profile

David Marquis grew up on the high, dry plains of West Texas listening to family stories of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, of World War II and starting over after years of lean times.


He owes his love of a good story, his sense of social justice, his ties to nature and the land, and his first-hand experience with both strong women and strong men to his family.


His wife Diana has for many years been a leader in both the Latino and the arts communities in Dallas.


He dedicates his work, both as an author and an activist, to his grandchildren, that he might leave the world a better place for them.

His Credits Include:

As a Writer and Performer…


  • I Am a Teacher Pt. 1, 2 and 3
  • Celebrate America
  • Twirlin’ the Moon
  • Out Here in America
  • The Old, Old Story
  • The Purple Finger
  • Down A Long Road
  • The Land
  • The Last Cowboy


  • I AM A TEACHER (Received Critic’s Choice in Time magazine and a five-page spread in Newsweek)
  • Making Love a Way of Life
  • Celebrate America
  • Twirlin’ in the Moon

Film, Print and Broadcast

  • Featured commentator on NBC TV-Channel 5
  • Contributor to The Dallas Morning News
  • Contributor to the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
  • Co-producer of In Remembrance of Martin documentary for PBS and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center for Nonviolent Social Change.
  • Writer and Commentator on KERA’s Morning Edition.

As an Activist…

  • Consultant with the Texas Conservation Alliance on water
  • A Prime motivator for the “Be a Teacher, Be a Hero,” campaign (the most successful public service ad campaign in the history of the Ad Council) through his work I AM A TEACHER.
  • Founder of the 118 acre Oak Cliff Nature Preserve, in Dallas
  • Chairman of the Mayor’s Green Building Task Force in Dallas
  • Co-founder of an inner-city school in downtown Dallas to provide an arts-based interdisciplinary curriculum to underserved youth.
  • Worker for the successful passage of House Concurrent Resolution 74 during the 2015 Texas Legislative Session, a bill that promotes water recycling and renewable energy.
  • Helper in shaping the City of Dallas Long Range Water Supply Plan.